Benefits of a Neutral Spine when Using a Zero Gravity Massage Chair

While the name zero gravity gives you the impression that you will be floating away, the name zero gravity really refers to the spine being in a neutral position. Spending time in this posture has various benefits for your health and wellbeing and is necessary for our modern lifestyle.

What is a neutral posture:

A neutral posture refers to a posture that properly positions your head, neck, shoulders, hips, legs and feet. This correct posture allows you to align your spine and aids in relieving pressure of your musculoskeletal system.


What is a zero gravity chair:

A zero gravity massage chair lets you recline all the way back into the neutral spine position and allows you to completely rest by distributing the weight of your body evenly across the chair. It is the most natural and relaxing body position for humans which heightens the massage experience and provides relief from physical pain and mental stress.








There are a diverse range of health benefits from spending time with your spine in a neutral position. A major and unexpected benefit from using a zero gravity chair is that it is scientifically proven to improve your posture by decompressing the spine and correcting misalignments throughout your body. Studies[1] have found that during massage therapy your hormones are affected which help you to relax and relieve your pain. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is reduced and serotonin and dopamine, the happy hormones, are activated and levels have been shown to increase during massage therapy by 28% and 31% respectively.  As a result, it can loosen sore muscles and body aches which improves flexibility and can relieve lower back and shoulder pain. In addition, using a massage chair regularly can reduce headaches.

A zero gravity chair can also have beneficial impacts on many of your bodily systems. By reducing stress in the body from regularly using a massage chair, it can optimize breathing, regulate blood pressure and heart rate, and positively impact circulation of bodily fluids such as improving blood flow and mobilizing lymphatic circulation. These benefits are created through the actual movements of the massage chair. The rolling, tapping, gripping, kneading and heating of the massage chair not only relaxes the muscles but allows for better circulation throughout the body. Further, the lying position of a zero gravity chair encourages even better circulation of the blood throughout the body which supplies more oxygen to your muscles. The increased blood flow aids in faster recovery from injuries and sore muscles, helps to move toxins out of your system to be eliminated and stimulates large amounts of endorphins into the bloodstream which alleviates pain, reduces stress and boosts the immune system.



Massage therapy is proven to help combat stress and reduce the negative effects it has on the body and mind. Using a zero gravity chair and having the body in a neutral position can aid in reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, tension and even improve productivity by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. When activated, the parasympathetic system slows heart and breathing rates, lowers blood pressure and creates a calm feeling in the body and mind which all have an immediate affect on stress, anxiety and sense of wellbeing. The reduction in anxiety and increase in mood is created through decreasing levels of cortisol and relieving tightness in the body which promotes lymphatic drainage and the removal of toxins in the body.

Our Medi-Pro 4D Bio Health Scan Chair  is the most advanced massage chair on the market. It’s patented physiological index detection system monitors your heart rate, blood oxygen and microcirculation and the Optical Sensors scan your body to measure your unique physiology. This allows you to have live data on your current vitals and empowers you to be in control of your own health and wellbeing. By using the chair daily, you will be able to see and feel the positive impact the massage chair has on your physical and mental health.


There are so many benefits to using a zero gravity chair and hope you now have a better understanding as to why a massage chair is necessary for our modern lifestyle. Check out our range of massage chairs online or come to one of our locations to try one out for yourself.


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